Saturday, December 10, 2011

Season's First Hard Frost

Well, it is official. After one or two very light patchy frosts, a hard frost has descended upon us. All the paulownia leaves fell off the tree to make a carpet of enormous leaves below it. Yesterday it still had a full crown of green, this morning I watched the leaves drop off seemingly by light pressure as the sun's rays hit it.

-4 C ! (-4x9=-36/5=-7.2+32=24.8 F)
The carpet of pawlownia leaves
The Nasturtiums are maybe down for the count this time.


  1. Hey Eric - I love reading your blog, and so I'm naming you as one of my five Liebster Blog recipients. And I eagerly await the Testening and Cookening. I hadn't ever really given much thought to trying to create a parabolic cooker, but the most recent issue of the Solar Cookers International newsletter has me thinking, and your post on the topic makes it seem much less intimidating...

  2. Thanks Dan! I like your blog a lot too! I talk the talk, but you two walk the walk.
    It was a lot of fun making the cooker, and I am eagerly awaiting being able to test it. Hopefully over winter vacation when I have some time off.

    One thing I realized already, is that if it is a windy day, that cooker will parasail away in no time..
